Self-disclosure as an interpersonal process
Self-disclosure is the process of sharing personal information, thoughts, feelings with others. In this article, we review the factors affecting self-disclosure, its impact, and structure.
Welcome to Knei Blog. Here, we review the aspects of interpersonal relationships and share our discoveries, supported by academic studies. Know something new and build relationships better.
Self-disclosure is the process of sharing personal information, thoughts, feelings with others. In this article, we review the factors affecting self-disclosure, its impact, and structure.
The Dunbar number estimates how many connections a human can have. The name refers to the study by R. Dunbar where he observes the correlation between the brain's neocortex volume and the number of social relationships for primates. Here, we take a closer look at it.
Social exchange is a principle behind a set of interpersonal relations theories. It states that a relationship is transactional and that people tend to assess the rewards and costs of building relationships.
We talk about networking — building relations for mutual success. We discuss what networking is in fact and introduce tips for managing relations with different people.
Every person might feel the need to find friends. In this article, we review the different sources to look for potential friends, inspired by community members.
We review the different aspects of a human's memory. Supported by studies, we speculate how that may affect interpersonal relationships building.
We introduce the guide with helpful aspects to consider while building relationships with other people. Each concept is introduced in the form of a question and followed by the summary of psychological models to apply.
Knei team talks about why people might start conversation with others, their explicit and implicit motives, and what conversation starters to pick.
Mere exposure effect refers to a preference increase due to repeated exposures. Simply put, the more often a person sees an object, the more likely they are to prefer it over alternatives. We review the key study of the mere exposure effect and come up with some interpersonal relations applications.
In this article, we cover the propinquity effect. According to it, individuals tend to form closer relationships with people they repeatedly meet.
We prepared an infographic with helpful relations theories you can apply in building your relationships. This edition features: uncertainty reduction theory, theory of interpersonal relations (H. Peplau), social penetration theory, expectancy violations theory.
This episode, we describe how people feel the need to engage in conversations. One of the models to describe that is uncertainty reduction theory. There is a review of useful concepts that can help in building your personal relationships.
In this edition, we review Hildegaard Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations. It was created in 1952 and became a leading practice of psychiatric nursing. We talk about the main aspects and find similarities with regular personal relationships.
A basic guide on how to stay in touch and build relationships with people in your life. Develop long-term connections with family, friends, mates, acquaintances and others. Contains a series of fundamental activities to keep in touch with a person. Updated regularly by the Knei team.
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