Privacy Policy


Knei (legally Knei LLP) is a company that develops and provides for use a web application for managing personal contacts. This is a Privacy Policy agreement that describes what and how Knei services collect, store and use personal data.

  • App (or Knei App) — Knei web application located at
  • Company (or Knei, Knei Company) — legal entity associated with development and gaining profit from delivering the Knei products to Users.
  • Personal Data — information about User that can be applied to personally identify the person, like name, address, email address, phone number or other contact information. As well as other non-public information that is associated with the foregoing.
  • Payment Data — data required to perform transactions, such as card number, expiration date, name, security code, country.
  • User — any person who signed in the Knei App or submitted Personal Data via Website.
  • Website — home page of the Knei Company website located at

In principle, Knei product is a software that enables User to create, access, modify and delete database entries containing contact information about particular people they know. Second, User is able to manually add entries corresponding to communication instances between them and other person from the contact list. Based on the communication history Knei App may send reminders to User’s email or notify within the app unless they opt out.

Privacy Policy acceptance

Person accepts terms of the present Privacy Policy agreement by submitting Personal Data via Knei App or Website.

Knei Company may modify this Privacy Policy by updating this document. Please check back regularly to keep up with any updates. Knei team will notify Users by mail in case of any substantial updates.

What data do we collect

Based on the App’s scope, there are several categories of data Knei collects that one may regard as personal and/or sensitive.

  • - Email
  • - Name and Surname

Also Knei App has functionality to store name, surname, birthday date, contact details (email, number, social media username etc.) and other personal data corresponding to the User’s individual contacts.

Data about other people can only be added by the User himself. User preserves the full right to access, modify and delete that contact data they added. No other person can access the User’s contacts’ data within the app by design.

User Payment Data: such as card number, expiration date, name, security code, country. Knei doesn’t collect this data. It is being processed directly within payment infrastructure provider.

How do we collect your data

Email is collected at the moment User signs up in the Knei App via Sign Up page. User may be offered to manually input name and surname later for communication convenience as stated below.

Payment Data is collected at checkout at the Plans page within the app.

How do we use your data

Email and Name are required for User unambiguous authentication, email reminder setup and communication convenience (support, reminders and other instances of appealing to the person). Knei App may send reminders to User’s email or notify within the app unless they opt out.

We do send your email to, Knei payment infrastructure provider. It is used to identify you as a customer in case of an any manual operations connected with paid plan purchase approval and subscription renewal.

" Our commitment to data privacy and security is embedded in every part of our business. We take the security of our platform and our customers' data seriously. "

— from Paddle Trust Center,

How do we store your data

User’s info is collected and stored at the cloud storage provided by, web application development software provider. legal entity is located in United States and achieves GDPR compliance via DPAs (Data Processing Agreements) that incorporate the SCCs (Standard Contractual Clauses) which are used in case of data transfers between the EU and US.

Other jurisdictions notes: Knei might not be necessarily compliant with the world countries’ Personal Data local storage laws as soon as it relies on cloud storage solution. If you are not EU or US citizen, please, be aware that we cannot guarantee that your data associated with Knei will be stored at servers in your country. By signing in to the Knei App you agree to store it on EU/US servers.

Knei team encourages you to let us know where you are located at, so we could include discovery and compliance to your regional laws in our Legal roadmap.

Your data protection rights

Knei Company would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

  • The right to access – You have the right to request Knei Company for copies of your Personal Data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.
  • The right to rectification – You have the right to request Knei Company to correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request Knei Company to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
  • The right to erasure – You have the right to request that Knei Company erase your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that Knei Company restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to Knei Company’s processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to data portability – You have the right to request Knei Company to transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:

How do we use cookies?

Knei Company uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:

  • Keeping you signed in
  • Understanding how you use Website (Google Analytics)

Data collected for these purposes is Anonymous.


If you have any concerns, questions or feedback regarding this Privacy Policy don’t hesitate to contact us at

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